Fulbright Scholarships

Scholarship Details

Alumni, Postgraduate students


Aus Citizen


Mission and Vision: The Fulbright Commission promotes educational and cultural exchange between Australia and the United States in order to enhance mutual understanding and strengthen relations between the two countries. As the leading scholarships program between Australian and the United States, the Fulbright name is synonymous with academic excellence, thought leaderships and mutual understanding, and reflects the uniquely deep bilateral relationship. Fulbright Values: Passion - about field of work and study Vision - for themselves and their communities Excellence - demonstrated achievement Innovation - creative, inspired thinking Partnerships - collaborations, linkages Ambassadorial skills - articulate, community involvement

Further Information

Scholarships: Postgraduate - Graduates seeking to complete up to two semesters of their Australian postgraduate program in the U.S. - Graduate students to undertake an American postgraduate program such as a Master's degree - Graduate students undertaking their Australian PhD to conduct research in the U.S as a Visiting Student Researcher (VSR)

Postdoctoral - For individuals who have completed their PhD/doctorate in the past 5 years to undertake postdoctoral research in the U.S. for 3-10 months

Scholar Awards For - Academics at Associate Professor or Professional level - Mid-career professionals with an undergraduate qualification and minimum 10 years work experience to undertake research and/or training in the U.S. for 3-4 months in any discipline.

Distinguished Chair For an exceptional individual at professional level to carry out research in the U.S. for up to 5-6 months in the discipline of Agriculture and Life Sciences at Kansas State University.

Benefits: - Monthly stipend - Travel allowance - Establishment allowance,depending on scholarship - Dependant allowance, depending on scholarships/ eligibility - For postgraduate awards funding is available for up to 2 years and may include a tuition/Visiting Student Researcher (VSR) fee allowance - ASPE health and accident cover - valued at up to $100,00 - Access to established professional networks - alumni and other international collaborative groups - Orientation and enrichment opportunities - in the U.S. and in Australia - Extensive support - from the commission as well as U.S. organisations

Selection and Eligibility Criteria: - Academic/professional excellence - Ambassadorial skills - Adaptability - Relevance of proposed program - Potential outcomes - Australian citizens only - No age limit, open to any field and host institution

Application Timeline: - Applications are open from February 1st - 15th July - Selected applicants will be invited for interview in August/September - Scholarship recipients must commence their program between July 2019-June 2020

More Information: www.Fulbright.org.au Email: fulbright@fulbright.org.au