UNSW School Of Mathematics & Statistics Undergraduate Scholarships for students commencing Term 1, 2025 UGCA1731

Scholarship Details
High Academic Achiever High School Leavers 1st year

High school leavers, First year students



Closing Date

For commencement Term 1 2025


Scholarship(s) available
For Duration of program (minimum)


No residency requirements


Mathematics & Statistics Merit Scholarships aim to encourage and assist students commencing studies in the School of Mathematics & Statistics at UNSW.

By applying for the Mathematics & Statistics Merit Scholarships you may be considered for the following scholarships. More scholarships may be added to this list progressively.

Scholarship Value and Duration Eligibility
School of Mathematics & Statistics Beautiful Mind Scholarship (UGCA1392)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Must have competed in the Mathematical Olympiad or UNSW Annual School Mathematics Competition, or similar, in Yr 11 or Yr12, and provide their results; and

  • Have completed the NSW HSC (or interstate equivalent) or IB in the previous two years prior to commencing at UNSW, provided no tertiary study was undertaken during this period; and

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
School of Mathematics & Statistics Advanced Mathematics Scholarship (UGCA1108)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Have completed the NSW HSC (or interstate equivalent) or IB in the previous two years prior to commencing at UNSW, provided no tertiary study was undertaken during this period; and

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
School of Mathematics & Statistics Rural Student Scholarship (UGCE1079)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Have completed the NSW HSC (or interstate equivalent) or IB in the previous two years prior to commencing at UNSW, provided no tertiary study was undertaken during this period; and

  • Be a rural applicant*

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
Women in Mathematics and Statistics Scholarship (UGCE1098)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Eligible applicants must be undertaking a Major in mathematics or statistics.

  • Be Female

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in one of the below single or double degree programs with a major in Mathematics or Statistics:
    • Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) (Honours) or
    • Bachelor of Advanced Science (Honours)
School of Mathematics & Statistics, Data Science & Decisions Scholarship (UGCA1607)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Be commencing full-time undergraduate study in a Bachelor of Data Science & Decisions - Quantitative Data Science plan (MATHE13959)**
School of Mathematics & Statistics, Teachers Scholarship (UGCA1109)

$5,000 per annum for the minimum duration of program

  • Must be undertaking a Science/Education degree with a declared major in Mathematics

*Must have lived in a rural, regional or remote area within the two years prior to the start of your UNSW studies.

Check the Australian Standard Geographic Classification Remoteness Areas (ASGC-RA) system map to check your eligibility. All categories other than RA1 Major Cities of Australia are considered to be regional or remote with the exception of Hobart.

**You can declare your specialisation using the Stream Declaration tool in your Student Profile tab on myUNSW

Selection Criteria

Applicants will be assessed on the basis of:
  • Academic Merit
  • Leadership skills (school, workplace or community)
  • Extra-curricular activities (sporting, cultural activities, volunteer/work experience)
  • Aptitude and commitment to studies

You must provide evidence supporting the above criteria in your online application. Please refer to the Scholarship Application Supporting Documents for a detailed list of examples.

Unanswered application questions or claims without supporting documentation will not be assessed. Late applications/supporting documentation will not be accepted. Activities/Achievements recorded more than 3 years ago will not be considered in your application assessment

UNSW Science Undergraduate Scholarships for Students Commencing Term 1, 2025

Separate Application Required

There are a number of scholarships available for students planning to undertake study in the Faculty of Science. A separate scholarship application is required. Click here for more information on how to apply for these scholarships.

UNSW reserves the right not to award a scholarship where there is no applicant of sufficient merit, or if the applicant does not meet the scholarship eligibility and/or selection criteria.




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