The UNSW ACCESS Scheme provides an alternative method of entry for new to higher education students who have experienced long-term educational disadvantage. For further details visit the UNSW ACCESS Scheme page.
Scholarships that can be used to cover part or all of the cost of accommodation whilst studying at UNSW.
An Award is a scholarship, usually with a value of less than $5,000.
Financial aid that comprises a one-off, or otherwise irregular payments, to one or more holders for less than the minimum duration of the academic program.
A Bachelor degree is the formal award a student receives when they successfully complete an undergraduate university degree program, ordinarily of three or more years duration.
A combined program is a program of study which leads to the award of two degrees, that is, the graduate earns two qualifications (an example of this would be the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws.) These are also sometimes called combined degrees. They have a single set of program rules.
A course which is compulsory and must be passed in order to complete the requirements of the program.
Otherwise known as a subject, a course is an individual study unit offered within a program and plan (for example, MATH1131 - Mathematics 1A). Students enrol in many courses to make up their program of study, some of which may be core courses (courses which need to be completed to satisfy the requirements of a particular program) and some of which may be elective courses (where students are given a choice of courses). At UNSW, courses are identified by a four character alphabetic prefix which identifies the subject area or specialisation administering the course and a four-digit numeric suffix e.g. ECON1101 Microeconomics 1.
Coursework refers to a mode of study which is largely or wholly constituted of courses involving face-to-face class instruction. It is a term which is commonly used with regard to undergraduate and postgraduate study. The other mode of postgraduate study is research.
A degree is the formal qualification awarded when a student graduates from an undergraduate program of study such as a Bachelor of Arts, or a postgraduate Masters or PhD program.
Scholarships available to students with a disability. The definition of a disability is based on the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 1992 and includes: Deaf/hearing impaired, Blind/vision impaired, Physical disability, specific learning disability, psychiatric disability, acquired brain injury, chronic medical conditions.
The criteria used to determine if an applicant can be considered for a specific scholarship.
You will be considered a first year student if you have enrolled and/or commenced your first year of an undergraduate degree at UNSW.
Faculties are the large academic organisational units of the University, and are generally comprised of several schools or departments. UNSW has eight faculties: Arts and Social Sciences; Built Environment; Commerce and Economics; Engineering; Law; Medicine; Science; and the College of Fine Arts. University College, ADFA and the Australian Graduate School of Management are also regarded as faculties.
Scholarships that are available in specific Faculties and / or Schools at UNSW.
UNSW offers several "fast-track" or "Masters track" programs. These give students the opportunity, if they meet progression requirements, to progress directly from an undergraduate program to a particular Masters program with some courses in the final year counting towards both qualifications e.g. the Bachelor of Engineering/Master of Commerce.
Financial aid, paid by the University, that comprises the payment of tuition fees to one or more holders for, normally, the minimum length of the holder's program.
Scholarships that are available to applicants who have a demonstrated financial need. Applicants for these scholarships must provide relevant supporting documentation which may include Centrelink documentation and Tax Returns. Please refer to specific scholarships for details.
You will be considered a High School Leaver if you have completed your HSC or equivalent in the year that you are making application for a Scholarship at UNSW or if you have taken a Gap year and you did not undertake or commence any tertiary studies.
Honours is highest level of training in an undergraduate degree within the Australian tertiary education system. It is an optional fourth year of intensive study after three years of basic undergraduate study.
International students are citizens of a country other than Australia and who are not Australian permanent residents.
The UNSW JD (Juris Doctor) is the professional law degree for graduates of disciplines other than law. The UNSW JD can be used as a basis for admission to legal practice.
Local students for UNSW Scholarships are Australian citizens and Australian permanent residents. New Zealand citizens or permanent residents are not Local Students.
Many programs require students to complete a major. A major is an approved sequence of study in an area of academic or vocational specialisation. This is also sometimes referred to as a ''plan''. Masters
A Masters program or degree is a postgraduate program where students enrol in an approved sequence of courses involving face-to-face instruction. Some Masters programs also involve a research component.
myUNSW is the single online access point for UNSW services and information, integrating online services for applicants, commencing & current students and UNSW staff.
myUNSW can be accessed from any computer on the Internet, anywhere in the world.
Postgraduate programs of study are available to students who have already completed a university degree program in a related area. They offer the opportunity for students to further their skills and qualifications in a particular area of specialisation. Completion of a postgraduate program may lead to an award of a Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma, Masters (by Coursework or Research), Doctorate (PhD) or post-doctoral qualification.
Completion of a postgraduate coursework program requires students to undertake a sequence of courses, rather than research (although a research component may also be involved).
Some courses have prerequisites. A pre-requisite is a requirement which must be completed before enrolling in the course or the next level of courses e.g. completing a Level I MATH course before progressing to Level II MATH courses.
A program is an approved program of study which leads to the award of a degree, diploma or certificate. Programs may be undergraduate or postgraduate and are identified by a four-digit numeric code e.g. the program code for the Bachelor of Psychology is 3432.
Scholarships available to encourage students from rural and isolated areas of Australia to study at UNSW.
See also Rural Student Classification.
Generally speaking:
Your family home has to be or have been located in a rural or isolated area* for at least four of your high school years;
You should have attended secondary school in a rural or isolated area* for at least four years.
Please contact us if you are unsure if you meet this criteria.
*Rural areas will be considered according to the Commonwealth''s Accessibility/Remoteness Index of Australia (ARIA) and the Rural Remoteness and Metropolitan Areas (RRMA) Classification.
A grant of financial aid awarded to a student for the purpose of attending a college or university.
This is an academic organisational unit, also sometimes referred to as a department. Faculties may be comprised of several schools e.g. the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences has 12 schools including the School of Philosophy and the School of History.
A session or semester is a university teaching period. Each academic year, there are two main sessions (Session 1 and Session 2), usually of 14 weeks teaching, plus an examination period. There are also shorter Summer and Winter sessions that run during the breaks between the major sessions. Exceptions to this pattern are the Faculty of Medicine and the Australian Graduate School of Management whose academic years are divided into four teaching periods.
A specialisation is an area of academic expertise on which students focus their studies, often by enrolling in a plan offered in that area, such as a Philosophy major within an Arts degree. Examples of specialisations include French, Biological Science, Taxation etc.
Scholarships to encourage high performing sports men and women to study at UNSW.
Financial aid that comprises a stipend, or otherwise regular payment, to one or more holders for, normally, the minimum length of the holder''s program and with a minimum annual value of $5,000.
The period of time that a scholarship is paid to the successful applicant. This is typically one year; however some scholarships are paid for more than one year or for the duration of a program.
Scholarships to cover all or some of the costs of travelling related to a particular program.
Undergraduate programs of study are degree programs which do not require students to have previously undertaken university study in order to enrol. They are designed for students who have completed secondary studies (high school) in Australia or have a level of education deemed equivalent to this (e.g. equivalent overseas study or alternate entry programs).
A leading Australian tertiary institution with Sydney campuses at Kensington and Paddington and a University College in Canberra. Unless otherwise specified the scholarships on this site are available for programs delivered on the Kensington and Paddington campuses only.
UNSW Scholarships is the office that administers undergraduate and postgraduate coursework scholarships at UNSW.
Scholarships that are available to enrolled students over the Summer Vacation. These scholarships are offered by a range of Faculties and Schools at UNSW.